May's Blogger of the month is "
Ramblings of a Teenage Daydreamer". She is such a sweetheart and really got into the world of blogging. Her blog always has something interesting to read. I had a great time reading Meleonie's answers for our interview. Hope you all enjoy them too and check out her page!
How or why did you start blogging?Well, at 12, midnight on the first day of 2009 I mad a New Year’s Resolution (even though, I dislike, and can never keep them!) to keep a diary for one year and just write little things about my day or whatever. It was going pretty well, I’d used up two large notebook and there were none left around the house so, so I decided to chuck the pen and paper for a blog!
In what way has blogging helped you?I guess blogging has helped me get more into writing – I’ve always liked writing, but I usually only ever did it for school or wrote the occasional story at home, but since I started writing on a more daily basis I’ve loved it more and more! :) Blogging has also helped me meet some lovely people and discover their blogs!
What advice would you give to bloggers just starting out?KEEP GOING! It might seem like your blog is really small and insignificant but someone out there is reading!! Also don’t be scared to comment or follow other people’s blogs, it’s a great way to discover blogs and through that you might even get some new followers!
Have you ever met any of your blogger friends in person?Nope! Not yet, but maybe I will in the future! :)
What are your favourite websites to visit everyday?Haha, well there’s quite a few: I’m a big, big, BIG fan of the pen pals website Interpals.net; Blogger – So I can see who’s posted lately; BBC Slink; And Facebook I guess although I’m hardly an addict; and of course my lifesaver – Google.
Can you list some of your favourite tunes to listen to?Well, I’m a HUGE music fan, but I’ll narrow down the list, haha. I love indie-pop music as well as the occasional house/dance track.
Caves – Jack’s Mannequin; In The Air – TV Rock ft Rudy; Soldier – Ingrid Michaelson; Raindrops – Basement Jaxx; Taboo – September; Clocks – Coldplay; Pictures – Sia; The Good News – Philadelphia Grand Jury; Scattered Diamonds – Hungry Kids of Hungary; The Summer – Josh Pyke; Pretend – Sara Bareilles and more :D
Is there something you’re really looking forward to?Well, for school we have to do a week of work experience, I’m going to a book publisher in the city (and I get $25 a day Woohoo!) which will be awesome because I want to do something in that area when I’m older.
If your style had a name what would it be?
Elgantly casual – I LOVE dressing up and I usually put a dressy twist on casual things, however, I do love bumming around the house in a hoodie and trackpants.
Besides blogging what are some other passions of yours?Well, I adore reading! But I don’t have much time for it anymore cause of school but I’m reading The Kite Runner at the moment, which is pretty great. I also love listening to music. My iPod goes everywhere with me! I also love writing letters, photography, meeting up with friends and baking! Although I’d be a crap cook if it weren’t for Betty Crocker.
Favorite quote to live by?Probably this one from Oscar Wilde ‘Be yourself; Everyone else is taken.”
Bonus If you could go see any band live (front row + backstage) who would it be?Tough one! There’s an adorable singer from Sweden called Darin who’d be great. I’d love to see Sara Bareillies because she sounds the same in the studio and on her live recordings. But all in all I’d LOVE to go see Oasis and meet Liam and Noel Gallagher. I love the bands early stuff and it’s a shame that they’ve broken up!