May 9, 2011
New Start
I'm deleting my blogs and starting a new one. If you want to follow me over there, click this LINK.
May 7, 2011
Some of you might know from my Facebook that i've had a hard time recently. On April 17th my father passed away. I'm going through the process of moving into an apartment and getting things settled. I have terribly missed reading your pages. I can't say for sure when i'll start blogging again, I might even start over on a completely new blog...i don't know. If I do I will post a link.
-Stephanie (pinkapplecore)
-Stephanie (pinkapplecore)
April 9, 2011
Weekend Getaway Part 2
This is the second and final part of my vacation. Day two I went to Nashville, Tennessee. I didn't have as much time as I did on day one but still got to see a lot.

SHOPPING: Social Graces - Lovely print and stationary shop on the corner. You can buy your own wax stamp kit. Simply Lovely.
Pangaea - Very eclectic; purses, sheets, clothes, hardwares, books, games, jewelery, and more. I bit on the higher side though. I saw a light switch cover at BLISS(KNOXVILLE) for $4. They had the exact same ones but for $7.
BookMan/BookWoman - It's an used book store, but don't be fooled. These are rare first edition books. I'm talking $195-250 books. I felt rather uncomfortable because I didn't even want to touch the books for fear of damaging them. But they do happen to have "regular price" books you just have to find them. Which some people enjoy!
ClothingXchange: Think of this as one jump up from a Goodwill.
Retropolitan - This is such a nice interior design store. It's a retro based style but still nice. Not over the top or anything. Even if your not looking to buy furniture or decorative accents I would still recommend going in and taking a look.
Sites: Parthenon - Let me explain this. The park surrounding the parthenon is free. You can walk around, feed the ducks, "see the parthenon". BUT if you want to go in it's $6 for an adult. The only mythology related art they have is on the top floor where the Athena statue is. AND again let me be clear, you can only take photos on the top floor as well. Not that there is much to take a photo of on the first two floors. Its not even mythology related. So if you just want to see the athena statue then I would say go for it. But if you are looking for something more I wouldn't recommend paying to go in. Just sit out side and get a nice view of the building.
Lunch: Fido's - It's rather convenient because it's on the same street all those shops I mentioned are on. It has a nice selection of soups, salads, sandwiches and sides. You are looking at around $8 a plate though.
SHOPPING: Social Graces - Lovely print and stationary shop on the corner. You can buy your own wax stamp kit. Simply Lovely.
Pangaea - Very eclectic; purses, sheets, clothes, hardwares, books, games, jewelery, and more. I bit on the higher side though. I saw a light switch cover at BLISS(KNOXVILLE) for $4. They had the exact same ones but for $7.
BookMan/BookWoman - It's an used book store, but don't be fooled. These are rare first edition books. I'm talking $195-250 books. I felt rather uncomfortable because I didn't even want to touch the books for fear of damaging them. But they do happen to have "regular price" books you just have to find them. Which some people enjoy!
ClothingXchange: Think of this as one jump up from a Goodwill.
Retropolitan - This is such a nice interior design store. It's a retro based style but still nice. Not over the top or anything. Even if your not looking to buy furniture or decorative accents I would still recommend going in and taking a look.
Sites: Parthenon - Let me explain this. The park surrounding the parthenon is free. You can walk around, feed the ducks, "see the parthenon". BUT if you want to go in it's $6 for an adult. The only mythology related art they have is on the top floor where the Athena statue is. AND again let me be clear, you can only take photos on the top floor as well. Not that there is much to take a photo of on the first two floors. Its not even mythology related. So if you just want to see the athena statue then I would say go for it. But if you are looking for something more I wouldn't recommend paying to go in. Just sit out side and get a nice view of the building.
Lunch: Fido's - It's rather convenient because it's on the same street all those shops I mentioned are on. It has a nice selection of soups, salads, sandwiches and sides. You are looking at around $8 a plate though.
April 7, 2011
Weekend Getaway Part 1
Hay Lovelies, This Monday and Tuesday I drove up to Knoxville and Nashville Tennessee to spend time with two wonderful ladies. I had such a fun time and I want to share the experience just encase you ever want to venture there your self!

Lunch: Oodles Uncorked - It's an Italian restaurant with a great atmosphere. Some of the menu items can be pricey ($$) but if you go on monday they have a lunch special of spaghetti and meatballs for $5.oo. It was great, a bit hot with the peppers and onions in the meat. They also have a "be your own chef". You get to pick a noodle and a sauce for $6.
Dessert: Marble Slab Creamery - We grabbed a cone at this sweet shop. I picked the praline, very light. They also have mixes to throw in from sprinkles to reeces pieces. Its right beside oodles so its a convenient choice.
Shopping: Bliss & Bliss Home - Both are different, stores across the square from each other. Bliss home is nice but I would recommend just going to Bliss for vacationers. It has more than just clothes. I bought some old wood printer letters for $4. They happened to be on sale for 75% off.
Lunch: Oodles Uncorked - It's an Italian restaurant with a great atmosphere. Some of the menu items can be pricey ($$) but if you go on monday they have a lunch special of spaghetti and meatballs for $5.oo. It was great, a bit hot with the peppers and onions in the meat. They also have a "be your own chef". You get to pick a noodle and a sauce for $6.
Dessert: Marble Slab Creamery - We grabbed a cone at this sweet shop. I picked the praline, very light. They also have mixes to throw in from sprinkles to reeces pieces. Its right beside oodles so its a convenient choice.
Shopping: Bliss & Bliss Home - Both are different, stores across the square from each other. Bliss home is nice but I would recommend just going to Bliss for vacationers. It has more than just clothes. I bought some old wood printer letters for $4. They happened to be on sale for 75% off.
April 1, 2011
March 29, 2011
Look Alive

March 26, 2011
Check out, Meleonie, who tagged me to do a meme!
1. Food: good salad
2. Colour: any color
3. Animal: giraffe
4. Sports team: I don't have one :p
5. Dessert: ice cream in a waffle cone
6. Artist/Singer/Band: Silversun pickups
7. Shoes: Converse
8. Outfit: Skirt, Tank, and Cardigan
9. Skinny Jeans: I own a pair
10. Brand: Forever21
11. Perfume: SOAP haha
12. Accessory: necklace
13. City: Savannah, GA
14. Hobby: reading, sewing, crafting, sewing, blogging
15. Beauty product: Laura Geller
16. Snack: Kashi Pumpkin pecan bars
17. Holiday: Halloween
18. Movie: The Fall
19. Song: Journey - Seperate ways
20. Guilty pleasure: Tom's Sour Cream and Onion chips
1. Food: good salad
2. Colour: any color
3. Animal: giraffe
4. Sports team: I don't have one :p
5. Dessert: ice cream in a waffle cone
6. Artist/Singer/Band: Silversun pickups
7. Shoes: Converse
8. Outfit: Skirt, Tank, and Cardigan
9. Skinny Jeans: I own a pair
10. Brand: Forever21
11. Perfume: SOAP haha
12. Accessory: necklace
13. City: Savannah, GA
14. Hobby: reading, sewing, crafting, sewing, blogging
15. Beauty product: Laura Geller
16. Snack: Kashi Pumpkin pecan bars
17. Holiday: Halloween
18. Movie: The Fall
19. Song: Journey - Seperate ways
20. Guilty pleasure: Tom's Sour Cream and Onion chips
March 17, 2011
Project Finished
This project only cost me $1.08 because I already had a drill and black spray paint. If you don't have a drill this project is probably not going to be cheap and you would be better to just buy hangers from the store. Black spray paint is only 98 cents but in the US you have to be 18 to purchase it.
March 15, 2011
Tune Tuesday
I realize that I have missed a few Tune Tuesdays. I hope this makes up for it. The song this week is Crooked Legs from The Acorns. They're a Canadian band that started back in 2003. The Acorns have an indie folk sound that is easy and fun to listen to. Enjoy.
March 10, 2011
What I'm Working On
March 9, 2011
With Love...

Twenty one years ago to this day a brilliant and beautiful girl was born. She has traveled down roads with the wind blowing through her hair, Detached and reinvented herself, smiled and laughed with chosen few. She happens to be my best friend. Someone I have had the pleasure to know for around eight years. I detest that I can't give her hugs and wishes in person on this special day, but I hope that when she comes home those days be the best they can be.
March 4, 2011
Time Out
I realize I need to not rely on others so much. I try not to do things on my own because i'm afraid. I know I need to change. To stop waiting and do things on my own, by my self, and be independent. If I seem distant lately it's probably because i'm trying to figure out how to be my own person.
March 3, 2011
I seem to have missed Tune Tuesday. I've been fairly busy trying to get things in order and finished before their respected deadlines! There are a few I would like to do but I can't because my best friend reads this and I don't want to spoil her big day! But after I will fill you all in. Today I have a few trailers. I can't wait to see these movies.
February 26, 2011
Time and Time Again
If a being asked me what being human was like. I would reply with something similar to this.
We are flawed, we make mistakes,
you could even say we "sin",
we destroy and create,
we love and we hate,
we dream and we deny,
we weave truths and we lie,
we live and we die.
We have loved and hated.
We are selfish and sincere
Lazy and defiant
caring and resilient
we are human.
We are flawed, we make mistakes,
you could even say we "sin",
we destroy and create,
we love and we hate,
we dream and we deny,
we weave truths and we lie,
we live and we die.
We have loved and hated.
We are selfish and sincere
Lazy and defiant
caring and resilient
we are human.
February 23, 2011
Pendants and Feathers

What are your thoughts about gypsies?
February 22, 2011
Tune Tuesday

This week has been fairly calm but with a reoccurring theme. People put significance in age. The age gap between lovers, the age of adulthood, the different generations and the stigma that follows them. I find age irrelevant in most cases. Simply because someone can be 17 and be mature just as someone 35 can still be immature. It's all in how a person acts not how many candles they have on their cake.
February 19, 2011
A dream/nightmare
In a lake of wet moss arose serpents,
a Hundred black eyes
no reflections, only bottomless chasms
an evil among the naive
An inescapable world deep in the catacombs of my mind...
a Hundred black eyes
no reflections, only bottomless chasms
an evil among the naive
An inescapable world deep in the catacombs of my mind...
February 15, 2011
Tune Tuesday

The Process Needs...
Most of you know what my "21 before 21 list" is about. I only have a few left and I have high hopes that I will finish them all before my preset date. Right now i'm in the process of finishing my bedroom. I finally wanted my room to copy what's inside my head. There are a lot of things I need to finish working on and here is a list to give you an idea. The bold means i'm currently working on them.
✔ Frame Map
✔ Frame Photos from Holly
finish rug
finish bench
make a spoon hook
Do Watercolor art & Frame it
Take down closet doors and put up drapes
make curtains for windows
obtain a clock
Wallpaper inside of closet
finish closet
get a coffee table & bed side table
paint dresser deep red
buy ceiling fan
buy two twin iron beds
finish quilts for beds
paint bedroom door
✔ Frame Map
✔ Frame Photos from Holly
finish rug
finish bench
make a spoon hook
Do Watercolor art & Frame it
Take down closet doors and put up drapes
make curtains for windows
obtain a clock
Wallpaper inside of closet
finish closet
get a coffee table & bed side table
paint dresser deep red
buy ceiling fan
buy two twin iron beds
finish quilts for beds
paint bedroom door
February 10, 2011
Book Review: Winkie

I rated this book a 4 out of 5.
February 8, 2011
Tune Tuesday

February 7, 2011
Checking Off
This past weekend I was able to, with much excitement, mark two more off my "21 before 21" list. I still have hopes that I will finish it before the appointed due date. There are only 5 more things I need to achieve! There is a tab in the upper right hand corner if you want to view the list.
(check)Number 1: Take a road trip without the parents. I drove up to visit my best amigo. I usually wait until she comes home but this time, as I had promised, I went to see her. We later left and drove even further to our next destination...
(check)Number 10: Go to a Concert! We attended a "Tokyo Police Club" concert. I had an amazing time. It's something I had wanted to experience for a while. We were lucky to get up front, after standing an hour in the cold *cough*. I could feel the vibrations in my chest, dum dum dum. The clapping was infectious. I won't forget it. I slightly hope that like the "heart" on my side mirror, the stamp on my wrist doesn't wear off...
(check)Number 1: Take a road trip without the parents. I drove up to visit my best amigo. I usually wait until she comes home but this time, as I had promised, I went to see her. We later left and drove even further to our next destination...
(check)Number 10: Go to a Concert! We attended a "Tokyo Police Club" concert. I had an amazing time. It's something I had wanted to experience for a while. We were lucky to get up front, after standing an hour in the cold *cough*. I could feel the vibrations in my chest, dum dum dum. The clapping was infectious. I won't forget it. I slightly hope that like the "heart" on my side mirror, the stamp on my wrist doesn't wear off...
February 3, 2011
My collage for February. Plus this weekend I will be attending my first concert, pictures will be taken and memories will be made! What do you think of when you hear February?
February 1, 2011
Tune Tuesday

January 27, 2011
Work 101
As you might know, I have a job now. It's not glamorous by any means. But I am very grateful to have it. But not all the customer are gems. There are 3 types of customers I can not stand!
1. (when an item doesn't scan): IT'S FREE, I BET IT'S FREE, IF IT DOESN'T SCAN IT'S FREE! I assume you think you are being funny and smart, well I can assure you pale I hear that at a minimum of 3 times a day. It's have become rather OLD!
2. (they walk in and i've just sat down after cleaning the back or front) YOU LOOK TIRED, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT TIRED IS! Um sorry did I say I had the worst job in the world, I did not. Please shut your face!
3. YOU NEED TO BE A NURSE OR TEACHER! Well thank you Mr. Stereotype. I love that your mind stopped growing after the 30s and assume I need to take one of those roles to feel fulfilled in life. Damn me having a vagina!
really people, really? Please for one moment before you open your mouth will you assume that I have a handle on my life and i'm quite content with where I am at the present time. I do have a plan and i'm in the midst of it now. I will not be changing it anytime soon. Have a nice day!
1. (when an item doesn't scan): IT'S FREE, I BET IT'S FREE, IF IT DOESN'T SCAN IT'S FREE! I assume you think you are being funny and smart, well I can assure you pale I hear that at a minimum of 3 times a day. It's have become rather OLD!
2. (they walk in and i've just sat down after cleaning the back or front) YOU LOOK TIRED, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT TIRED IS! Um sorry did I say I had the worst job in the world, I did not. Please shut your face!
3. YOU NEED TO BE A NURSE OR TEACHER! Well thank you Mr. Stereotype. I love that your mind stopped growing after the 30s and assume I need to take one of those roles to feel fulfilled in life. Damn me having a vagina!
really people, really? Please for one moment before you open your mouth will you assume that I have a handle on my life and i'm quite content with where I am at the present time. I do have a plan and i'm in the midst of it now. I will not be changing it anytime soon. Have a nice day!
January 25, 2011
Tune Tuesday

January 23, 2011
pause and rewind
Sometimes I get in a mood. It's not a good mood, it causes me to want to delete and de-clutter. It's not so much that I feel like I need to clean, I just get this itch to start over. It's no good, get rid of it! I delete and delete because its a fairly simple process. But I know that I go over board and if i don't stop myself i'll end up deleting everything...
January 20, 2011
Movie Review: The Fall

The story centers around Roy Walker and Alexandria. He tells her of an epic tale but soon his intentions become clearer as reality and the story start to merge. A darkness over takes them, a dark reality that we all try to ignore. But even in the face of death and depression there is a small light screaming "Let him live"!
My personal rating for the movie is a 5 out of 5. I doubt I will see a movie as impressive as this one for a while.
January 18, 2011
Tune Tuesday

January 11, 2011
How They Met...
My grandfather, John, at the time was dating a girl from the mountain. His best friend, Reed, would was dating my grandmother's sister, Mary Joe. my grandmother, Margie, was out watering the flowers one afternoon when the boys came to pick up Mary Joe. They left on their date as expected but the next time Mary Joe asked if Margie would go out on a date with John, since the last date he had stopped seeing the girl on the mountain.
Margie replied, "OKAY, but only this once. He's very arrogant!" ending with a face she makes...
They got married on Christmas Eve 1949
p.s. Mary Joe and Reed also married.
Margie replied, "OKAY, but only this once. He's very arrogant!" ending with a face she makes...
They got married on Christmas Eve 1949
p.s. Mary Joe and Reed also married.
Tune Tuesday

January 10, 2011
"We give this life to our children and teach them to hate this place."
I know that if I truly delved deep in to these topics this would become a 20 page post. To keep from doing that i'm going to shorten it to a few main topic bullets!
+ Do you feel that it is the parents fault on how their children turned out?
+ Are the older & younger generations becoming hateful?
+ Do we forget how beautiful this planet can be and is?
+ Did we fuck up?
+ Why are we becoming lazy and tired people?
+ Why do people push things on you?
+ Why do we fill the pockets of people who are complete idiots?
+ Why won't we help people any more?
+ When did "pills" become the answer?
+ How are we going to make it better?
+ And will someone please smile...
+ Do you feel that it is the parents fault on how their children turned out?
+ Are the older & younger generations becoming hateful?
+ Do we forget how beautiful this planet can be and is?
+ Did we fuck up?
+ Why are we becoming lazy and tired people?
+ Why do people push things on you?
+ Why do we fill the pockets of people who are complete idiots?
+ Why won't we help people any more?
+ When did "pills" become the answer?
+ How are we going to make it better?
+ And will someone please smile...
January 9, 2011
Hair Virgin No More!
I finally colored my hair the other day. We settled on an auburn color. When I went inside I didn't know the first thing about hair coloring but i'm so glad I went to the lady I did. She sat me down and explained that I have level 3 hair color and originally the color I wanted was an 8. She let me know that going that extreme your first time will ruin your hair. So we settle for a color in the 5-6 range. And I am completely happy with it. Next time though I will go purple, I was just worried about it since I have a job now but everyone said it would be okay!
January 6, 2011
Words on a page..

I hope that whether you record it or not, that you have something special happen each and every day.
January 4, 2011
Tune Tuesday

January 2, 2011
I Declare: 2011

This year, the year I proclaimed great, my resolution is to be an adventurer. Possibly in all aspects of life. What is your resolution or declaration for 2011?
January 1, 2011
Number 6: Check

Hopefully you lovelies had a glorious holiday! I can honestly say that this was one of my best. Everyone was happy, the energy, and the memories were just right. I also want to write a big THANK YOU to Namine from (The Clutter Box) for sending me the gift of literature.
Happy New Year Everyone, Let's make this one count!
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