It's the beginning of a new month and you know what that means don't you? It's time for a new Blogger of the month! April's blogger is Namine from the groovy and stylish "Clutter Box". Namine is one of the nicest people on blogger. She is so sweet and recently participated in Nablopomo, which you will read more about below. She also has other blogs from book reviews to about her ever changing style. So go do yourself a favor and go check out her page!
How or why did you start blogging?
I started blogging on a site called GaiaOnline. I had always written in a diary, but that was my first online experience. I started writing there when Mr and I were first dating, so there was lots of 'fun' stuff in that notebook. Since then, I have completely removed that diary from the internet ( though I still have a copy). I started blogging as a way to help work out my emotions. During the first two years of Mr and I dating there was lots of drama and crazyness, writing helped me work through things easier.
random thought - Gaia is actually where I got the name I use now Namine.
You participated in NaBloPoMo for march, how was it?
I love participating in things. Though I feel like there is never enough time to do everything. I wasn't able to write everyday about the topic for the month (it was ties, I believe)
In what way would you say blogging has helped you?
Blogging has helped me meet tones of different people, that I otherwise won't get to meet. I also have a better understanding of myself, I know I can get through things. I also love blogging because it keeps track of things for me, like date nights with Mr, and all my goals. Before I would just forget about my goal lists until I randomly started cleaning and found it. Now I am actually keep track of goals and seeing what I can accomplish. It's nice to see things happening!!
What advise would you give to bloggers just starting out?
Write for yourself, not for the crowd. Followers and comments are great, but you have to write for you and not depend on other people.
Have you ever met some of your blogger friends in person?
I haven't yet. I missed the Calgary met up. But hopefully someday soon.
What are your favorite websites to visit everyday?
Oh, I love google reader, my list is so long. When I am at work though I visit
Ashley's Closet
Under the Sheets-shh
Captivate Me
Lelya's Room
La Mimi
When I am at home, not including comics because I have about ten of those that I check I read.
Low Expectations
One Minute Writer
Love Maegan
Made with Love
and I could keep going. My google reader probably has about a 100 in the list, that I try to read and comment on daily.
Can you list come of your favorite tunes to sway to?
Well, during our trip the band we listen to the most was Three Days Grace. But that's not much of a music to sway to. I like anything HipHop ish, no screamo. I really don't have a specific artist come to mind. I don't usually know artist. I like the new one by Lady Antebellum - Need you now
Is there something you are really looking forward too?
Mr and I are taking my little siblings this week to a movie. How to Train A Dragon. It will be their first 3D movie. I am sooo excited about it. It will be fun, not only because I really wanna see the movie, but because we get to take my sibs to it and give my parents a 'date night' (something they haven't had in a while). I hope to be able to do something like this once a month.

I asked a co-wored about this one. We decided on Moody. Somedays I am all dressed up to the nines (curly hair,makeup, etc), other days it's sweat pants and a tank top and then there's funky days. How I dressed purely reflects my mood and amount of sleep
Besides Blogging what are some other passions of yours?
Makeup, hair, photography, photoshop. I would love to take a makeup course so I know how to do other people. I miss doing hair so much (I went to school for hair). I love doing photo's (photoshoots, whatever works!) especially with Cheers for Life
Extra Question: If you could have a $1,000 gift card to any store which would it be?
this is a hard one.. I would probably say to Knickers and Lace
ReplyDeleteOoh, I'd like to do a makeup course too- especially special effects! How cool would that be?
Good advice about writing for yourself and not the crowd, too. Too many blogs are all the same, like they're afraid to step out of the whole "gala" style genre. It gets predictable after a while...