June is here! Woot! Kat from
Angel Lust has been crowned Blogger of the Month. She always has meaningful posts about her life and what she is over coming/what she strives to be. Kat is a creator; of art, textiles, cards, cupcakes, and music
(*cough post more* cough you're really good* cough*). Hope you will pop over and check out her blog!
How or why did you start blogging?
I started blogging just over a year ago after following a few fantastic blogs for a while. I decided that I wanted to have a go too, but didn’t think I’d be good enough so I kept it completely secret. After a few months I started a new blog that I actually wanted people to read.
In what way has blogging helped you?
Blogging has helped me survive my last year at college and has given me someone to talk to when it feels like there is no one else. If I have something I really want to say, or am just feeling down, I know that if I blog about it someone, somewhere, might read it and that makes me feel better, getting lovely comments is just a bonus!
What advice would you give to bloggers just starting out?
Not to stop writing! I always find so many interesting blogs that people have started, and after a few months they just stop writing.
Have you ever met any of your blogger friends in person?
No, but I would love to! I’d also like to meet more blogger friend’s online as it’s a wonderful way to get to know people I wouldn’t normally get a chance to.
What are your favorite websites to visit everyday?
Tumblr! I am an absolute tumblr addict at the moment. Also weheartit, facebook, formspring, Last.fm, occasionally lookbook, live journal and twitter too (I really am a member of EVERY social networking site!) but tumblr gets most of my love.
Can you list some of your favorite tunes to listen to?
It’s so difficult to pick favourites! I’d say my favourite bands/singers at the moment are Tegan & Sara, Hole, Amanda Palmer, Yeah Yeah yeahs and Lady Gaga. Generally I mainly listen to female fronted bands, but it’s so hard to choose!
Is there something you’re really looking forward to?
Yes, turning eighteen! I’ve been obsessing about it for the past year and I’m getting so excited that it’s only two months away. Now I need to actually decide what I’m going to do to celebrate.
If your style had a name what would it be?
Oh, I’m not sure! I like to wear lots of pretty dresses and lace contrasted with leather jackets and doc martens, so maybe like… pretty punk? Although that sounds rubbish, maybe someone else could name it?
Besides blogging what are some other passions of yours?
My main passion would have to be art, textiles and generally crafty things. Creating things can be so relaxing (when it’s not college work) and I plan to start making my own clothes as soon as I have the time to. I’ve also started to really enjoy baking cakes, I think it’s seeing people enjoy something I’ve made that makes me really happy.
Favorite quote to live by?
“You’ll see the world, you’ll knock them dead, and all the thick books that you’ve read will count for nothing in the end”- Amanda Palmer
I know a lot of people with disagree with this, but I love the fact it makes me feel like there is life beyond college and everything I am experiencing right now, it makes me excited for the future and I like to remember it from time to time.
Bonus: Would you rather have an abundance of disco balls or hundreds of glow sticks?
Last year at a music festival I had a lot of glow sticks and me and my boyfriend were just chucking them out into the crowd, it was really cool because we kept seeing our glow sticks getting passed right to the front of the crowd. Glow sticks would be easier to share with people (getting a disco ball thrown at you wouldn’t be any fun), although disco balls ARE shiny… tough decision! Can I have both please? I’ll throw a party and you can all come :)