Liv from Bambola's Diary is such a lovely person and truly inspiring. Liv is the first Blogger of the month here at The Magical Chip Bag. You should definitely head over to her blog and check her out!
P.s. She is currently on vacation for the holidays, but will be back after New Years!
Blog Related Questions
How or why did you start blogging?
I've always kept a journal of sorts, off and on since I was about 13. Dad got into blogging (mainly about his work) and mentioned I could start one about...well, whatever really. I took his advice to heart and created a blog. That was in April/May 2008 and I've not stopped.
Did you ever think you would have as many followers as you do now?
No! Definitely not. I had almost 100 on my previous blog and have a little over 70 now. I'd like to say "oh it's just a number" but to have the positive feedback through regular readers, is definitely one of the reasons I've kept going when I felt like stopping.
Care to explain what Lovers’ Diary is and how others can get in on it?
The Lovers' Diary was an idea of Ali's. It's a chance for readers of my blog (my Lovers) to have something of theirs published on it. It means they can reach a different audience and maybe get a few new readers. I try to write about each of the authors for each piece too, so it forces me to take the time to read up on them. It's been great getting to know my readers better! If someone wants to contribute all they need to do is email me (liv.bambola@gmail.com) the piece & a link to their blog (if they have one). I'll put it up on the next available Thursday <3
In what way would you say blogging has helped you?
I love this question. It's helped me to find like minded people and even like minded people that live near me!! The greatest thing is that it's helped me learn to write and develop my own style. I was a horrid writer when I started; I'd hope I'm half decent now :)
What advise would you give to bloggers just starting out?
Write and write and write! That would be my first tip. My second would be, take the time to blog surf & leave comments of posts that take your fancy. That's how you develop readers, there's a bit of a "you comment on mine, I'll comment on yours" type rule for most bloggers. You'll soon find other blogs you'll like reading on a regular basis & your blog list & audience will grow from there. Feel free to shoot me any specific questions if you like.
Have you ever met some of your blogger friends in person?
Yes! Lots of them! I've met Minteva, Em, Shannon, Holly, Tara, Kitten, & Jaz. I think that's all. They're a GREAT bunch of girls! I plan to meet more during my travels and over the next few years.
Random Questions
What are your favorite websites to visit everyday?
Twitter! I'm on all day, every day, it's an addiction!
Tumblr, it's the easiest way I can track the random thoughts & gorgeous images I find through out the day. It's like a visual diary; each thing has a connection to something in my world.
Can you list some of your favorite tunes to sway to?
At the moment I'm loving White Blank Page - Mumford + Sons, Blinding - Florence + the Machine, Islands - The XX, & Sunday - Bloc Party they're all on high rotation on my iPod.
Is there something you are really looking forward too?
My Europe Trip! Christmas last year we got our tickets & luggage, we had to postpone it but we're finally going!!!
If your style had a name what would it be?
Girl Next Door. :) It's a little bit cliché, but it fits. I don't have the fanciest wardrobe but it works for me. I like to be comfortable, and I like to look good. I don't think they're mutually exclusive. Funny story, my favorite top is more than 12 months old & I got it at an op shop!
Would you rather write a short story or poetry?
Poetry, I can't seem to formulate plot lines and develop characters. I find poetry, when it comes, flows and reads much more easily for me.
Extra Question: Message in bottle or Carrier Pigeons?
Message in a Bottle. There's something so romantic about the idea it could never be found, or it could be washed up on a neighboring country's shore in a few years time. There's an elegant desperation, they have enough tools to write a letter and seal a bottle, that's all. They're leaving it to fate that someone gets their message.