BAND ONE: The Used
Myspace: The Used

Okay so truthfully this isn't a band that I love all of their songs. It's just this one song, Hospital. My boyfriend was watching something on youtube and the song was playing...instantly stuck in my head.

BAND TWO: Owen Pallett
Myspace: Owen Pallett

Owen Pallett is for the most part a one man band. He use to go under the false name of Final Fantasy (yes the game, he was a fan). Rather recently though he retired the name and now just goes by Owen Pallett. This also makes him easier to find in search engines. Owen is a beautiful violinist from Ontario Canada. He has a very classical vibe but it’s so strong and dramatic that it doesn’t come across boring in the least. He's also touring a lot right now, check his myspace for the dates.

Dig the violinist...I see he is coming to Chicago in a couple months too.