March's Blogger of the month is Bon the creator of Dolly Asylum! She is artistic, flamboyant, snarky, and a lover of all things dolly and Lolita. Bon doesn't sugar coat how she feels, She is completely out right with you and that's one of the many reasons why I love her so much! If you follow my other blog you might have noticed a drawing of me, Bon drew that. Her talents always amaze me. She was sweet enough to do an interview with me... Hope you enjoy it as much as we did!!
1. How or why did you start blogging?
I discovered the blogosphere about 2 years ago- not long after I became a mum. The computer suddenly became a really convenient way to create art (photoshop requires no actual paintbrushes/easels/cleaning up mess!) while I was sleep deprived and had a baby constantly attatched to my boob. Then I got on the internet, which had previously been quite a rare experience for me! I soon discovered the ( procrastination enabling) joys of social networking, and the blogosphere, and got hooked!
Blogging is such a fun way to express all my pent up thoughts and ideas, as well as a great platform to share some creative bits and bobs, get feedback on my artwork, plus meet some really fascinating people.
2. Besides Blogging what are some other passions of yours?
Art and craft, obviously, but all sorts of creativity really! Um..and dark chocolate. I'll walk over broken glass barefoot to get at that shit. I'm passionate about music. I've played guitar since I was a kid, and dabble with keyboards, banjo, accordian..toy instruments...whatever I can get my hands on! I'm actually working up the courage to share some of my little compositions on my blog ;) I write some silly little ryhmes and some short stories occasionally too, but it requires a lot of mental energy, and I don't always have that energy! Another passion of mine is comedy. Laughing is just the best thing. If you can make me laugh, I'll love ya forever!
3. When did your love for all things Dolly start?
I think it's been there forever really...I remember sewing clothes for my dolls as a kid, and dying their hair with textas.In a way they're the lazy persons pet, or kid-they're cute and small but you don't have to feed them or toilet train them; you just it them on the mantlepiece and let them look all sweet and creepy. I'm gradually building up an army of them, so hopefully by the time I'm an old granny my home will be a creepy haven full of little dollies that seem to watch your every move :)
4. In what way would you say blogging has helped you?
It's helped me more than I thought possible actually. It's enabled me to express myself in ways that isn't always possible in my day to day life. A lot of people assume that after you've popped out a kid, your previous interests are suddenly replaced with an intense passion for aprons,prams, and cleaning products. It's so bloody frustrating! I may not get the opportunity to go out partying and whatnot, but I'm still a PERSON, with a PERSONALITY, and interests and hobbies beyond motherhood! Don't get me wrong- i love my kid to bits, but I don't love being defined by motherhood alone. I think a lot of mums go through a bit of an identity crisis like that actually. That's why i rarely mention my mothering duties in my blogging! Blogging helps me to stay in touch with the real me.
5. What advise would you give to bloggers just starting out?
Communicate! If you're not going to make a bit of an effort to get some kind of rappor going with the people who are nice enough to leave comments on your blog, then they probably won't stick around for long. One way conversations are BORING! i think that prompting the people who read your blog to talk about their own thoughts and opinions is nice too. I enjoy hearing other peoples feedback/advice/thoughts on subjects. So yeah...that's my advice! Communicate: Answer questions that people ask,go check out the blogs/sites of your commenters, etc.
Also, your blog doesn't have to be like everybody elses! Be yourself! There are a lot of very similar blogs out there, so try to think of something that YOU can offer the blogosphere that nobody else can.
6. Have you ever met some of your blogger friends in person?
Unfortunately, no! There are so many that i would love to meet. Some live too far away...but life can be surprising, so who knows? Maybe I will get the opportunity to someday :)
7. What are your favorite websites to visit everyday?
Hmmm..let's see...this is actually going to sound really lame and groupie-ish, but for the last few days I've been stalking the Mike Patton fans site on Myspace quite religiously, as Faith No More are touring here at the moment, and I like reading the reviews and watching concert footage :D. I went to see them recently, so it's like re-living the concert. hahahaha. LAME. But I can't help it. I kinda fantasise about being a female version of Patton...singing and screaming and jumping around manically...sigh! Anyway. Overshare!
I really like SWEET STATION (lots of cool new art) and Outsapop Trashion (upcycled/reworked fashion ideas) too.
8. Can you list come of your favorite beats to rock to?
Well as I mentioned, anything featuring Mike Patton is good. But my musical tastes range from Stravinsky to Bjork... Dr Steel- Dr. Phineas Waldolf Steel to be precise. (He's a delightfully eccentric vaudevillian mad professor type whose music has been described as " Hip-hop industral opera". He's brilliant!)... It depends what mood I'm in really. In summer i might feel the urge to listen to Manu Chou, and then I'll get cranky and listen to Lamb Of God, but the vocalist can't actually sing, so then I'll put on Slayer...um..Gorillaz, blur,Kate Bush, Emir Kusterica and The No Smoking Orchestra, Empire Of The Sun..it's all good! variety is the secret herbs and spices of life!
9. Is there something you can't wait for?
I can't wait to see Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland!!!!
10. If your style had a name what would it be?
Ironic confused goth in pink who reached into the closet blindfolded. Or something. :D
11. Your Art and dolls are so cool and unique anyway someone could get their hands on some of your pieces?
Oh yessy yes indeedy! I have an etsy shop: Simitopia Dolly Asylum full of Lolita hairbows and brooches,plus some prints. Business is sloooow, so I'd love for some people to come check it out! I also do custom orders when requested!
Extra Question: You won either a bungee jumping date with Jemaine Clement or a tango dance lesson with Robert Downey Jr. Which do you chose?
Woot! Man, what a choice! Gawsh, that's a tricky one, as I find both of them absolutely sextastic. Hmmm...I think I'd be too chickenshit to go bungee jumping! Unless there was a chance that the bungee cord got tangled around both Jemaine and I, thus binding us together (quite tightly preferably) rendering us unable to jump, but rather get talking and really like each other and start kissing and stuff instead. That's what happens in my fantasy anyway...but I've a feeling the reality wouldn't go like that, so i think i'll go do some dirty dancing with Robert Downey Jr. instead. Awwww yeah! *raises eyebrows sleazily and salivates slightly* ROWR! Mmmmm-mmmm.
Dolly Asylum is one of the most creative, far-out sites I've come across on the net. Her imagination is all over the place and it's all fantastic, mostly dark like the chocolate she likes and never fails to entertain, I'm one of her biggest fans.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for this, Steph! And Thankyou AB, That is so lovely! Feeling a bit teary now actually!
ReplyDeleteAB: :) Yes, Dolly is truly special and I'm glad to have "met" her through blogger.
ReplyDeleteDolly: No, thank you for doing this with me! <3
Hooray for Simi Bon!
ReplyDeleteAnd oh, yes,
we will meet one day.