In place of my classes usual lab we had to go on a nature walk. While on the walk we talked about what tropic levels certain animals and plants were. Jodi and I had to meet our partner since we didn't know where this nature park was. We were parked at a grocery store. Since we had thirty minutes we decided to look around. It was really clean and I found a Hello Kitty thermos with a snack compartment! I bought it and now I am a lot more eco-friendly. I will be using less plastic bottles and instead using my awesome hello kitty thermos! I'll try to take a picture of it soon.

When we got to the park it was relatively good. It wasn't till we actually got on the trail that I realized how unprepared I was. I didn't wear a long sleeved shirt and proceeded to be a buffet for all the hundreds of mosquitoes that dined on my blood. I didn't wear lace up sneakers but I didn't have any clean socks that day. My feet didn't hurt, the shoes I had one still had support but there were a few times that I slipped on a rock and I felt I was about to come out of my shoe.

During the start of our walk it began to rain. I didn't have a jacket or hoodie so I got wet. But luckily there were
half naked frisbee players who made the rain acceptable! le sigh... Any who we walked for 2 miles. At least that's what the pamphlet said. I don't know if that meant I walked a mile and then turned around or I walked 2 miles and turned around. But I'll tell you my legs sure do hurt like I did walk 4 miles.When we did turn around to go back about six of us decided to take the short cut. Which wasn't really a short cut, the only upside was not having to go "up hill" as much. The down side was the trail was very narrow. You had to walk single file. Absolutely no side by side walking on this trail. It had many rocks that you had to walk over or around, and always the constant threat of falling to your rocky watery death. Luckily I did not fall and die.

It also started to rain again which made the dirt trail muddy which made it slippery. We *luckily* made it to the end right as the rest of the class did.
(sucky short cut) We were all completely tired by the end of it, except for our professor who seemed rather perky. The whole experience made me feel out of shape. When I was a little girl you could have put me in that tom-boy stereotype. I went outside after breakfast and didn't come back in till dinner. Now it seems I get tired to often. I am trying to fix that though.
Well Lovelies I have a lunch date to be getting to.
I hope you all have a unique weekend!
xoxo If you want to see the rest of the photos from the nature walk
Nice one. Good pics..!
ReplyDeleteBest wishes...!!!