Links for the items (up to down - left to right)
Decor Pumpkins by Sideoftheroad
Steam Punk Ring by CatherinetteRings
Instant cemetery by Crafterella
Cicada Ring by MadArtJewelry
Autumn Quilt by KimsCraftyApple
Zombuki Kokeshi Doll by Zombuki
Cobweb Shawl by laslopezlas
Ghost Decoration by Kategreiner
The Kelifern Black Wedding Dress by Custom Bridal
Madame Butterfly Turquoise by RevolutionGarden
Summer of Love Skeleton Hippy by Jtnee
Black Tee Lip Balm by FlourishBathBody
Regal Collar Scarflette in Pumpkin by Kanokwalee
Caramel Scarf by Clariceonline
Victorian Vampire Bustle Dress by redthreaded
Mummies and Vampires Checkers by PsAndQs
Convertible Cowl Linen Scarf by attiladesign
Halloween Art Dolls by bellacavallostudios
Pirate Hat by caribbeanrosepirate
Apple Ring by OrderlyCivilians
Cut out Leather Mask by TomBanwell
Bat Ring by Chinookhugs
Autumn Breeze Art by Colliebox
The 2nd picture, the ring, reminds me of the Lord of the Rings...!