Dear 2009,
We have had some ups and downs this year. You threw some curves and bumps my way that left me flat on my butt. But no matter the problems it always seemed to fix its self or it got better. There were many tears, smiles, laughing, yelling, and dancing in random places. I had a great privilege to find some amazing people on Blogger that I do, without a doubt, consider my friends.
I had a wee bit of a hiccup with college and my major but I think i'm getting that all fixed and worked out. I also had many opportunities to take pictures of either nature or people. I even got the chance to sew some for a change.
I really hope that 2010 will be more exciting, filled with adventures and possibilities. I want to explore more and not get stuck in the sorry routine of driving back and forth to college, cook, and clean. Only to wake up and do it all again. I will try really hard to be a better me and be happier.
Sincerely Yours,
(P.s. The collage is photos I took, one for each month)