February 7, 2011

Checking Off

This past weekend I was able to, with much excitement, mark two more off my "21 before 21" list. I still have hopes that I will finish it before the appointed due date. There are only 5 more things I need to achieve! There is a tab in the upper right hand corner if you want to view the list.

(check)Number 1: Take a road trip without the parents. I drove up to visit my best amigo. I usually wait until she comes home but this time, as I had promised, I went to see her. We later left and drove even further to our next destination...

(check)Number 10: Go to a Concert! We attended a "Tokyo Police Club" concert. I had an amazing time. It's something I had wanted to experience for a while. We were lucky to get up front, after standing an hour in the cold *cough*. I could feel the vibrations in my chest, dum dum dum. The clapping was infectious. I won't forget it. I slightly hope that like the "heart" on my side mirror, the stamp on my wrist doesn't wear off...



  1. I drove 2.5 hours to Knoxville, then we left and drove another 2.5 hours to Nashville.
