April 14, 2010

Time for some change...

I have a pretty awesome family, and I'll tell you why. I have been in school for a long time. I never took a break between high school and College, just went straight into it. I was always given the impression that if you don't go right away and you take a break you will never go back. Well I'm not a straight A student but I have always made good grades in school. This past semester has had me pulling my hair out. I haven't been doing well, I really suck at languages. I'm taking Spanish 2 and I need it to graduate but it's not agreeing with me so to speak.

I am a stressful person, I care about what everyone thinks. I get so on edge I have panic attacks and this has only started happen this past year so... I decided I want to take a break, one semester off to just relax and think seriously about where I want my life to go.

and my family has my back, they all think it's a good idea mainly because I think they have seen truly how stressed out and sick i've become over this whole year. I have learn, actually through blogger and the lovely people I've met on here that taking a break isn't a bad thing, it doesn't mean your weak, it just means that I need to slow down and evaluate what it is I want to do and if i'm doing what i need to achieve it.

When I got the okay from everyone I just felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders, I felt free...I felt happy. I realized just how much I really wanted and needed this break.


  1. Aww... what a sweet post! Family and friends are really great and its good that you've got a nice network of people talk with :)
    Enjoy you break!! :D

  2. A break is a great thing. You will be able to figure out what YOU want, it will make you appreciate school that much more and it is a good time to self-reflect. You are not lazy, you just want to do the right thing, and I believe that is far from lazy! :)

  3. I think your sister is particularly awesome ;)

  4. breaks are needed more than we realize!

  5. Oh HUGS!! Sucks that you have been so stressed. But that's great you have such an awesome family and lots of people to support you in your decisions!!

  6. Good for you Steph! When you return to the studies, you will do so feeling refreshed and motivated rather than like you are burning out. Definitely a positive thing!
